
IGNOU Grade Card 2024: Here’s what you need to Know About It

IGNOU Grade Card
Written by Svspawb Team

IGNOU Grade Card: Indira Gandhi National Open University June Term End Examination 2024 Session IGNOU Grade Card will be released in online mode in August. Students can check their exam and practical/assignment marks on their IGNOU grade card. IGNOU conducts its TEE Examination (TEE) in two parts: June TEE and December TEE. If any student finds that their IGNOU Result June TEE 2024 Grade Card has any errors or incomplete information, they are advised to contact their IGNOU Regional Office immediately.

Many students studying in IGNOU consider the result and grade card to be the same, however, there are some differences between the two that students need to understand. So what is IGNOU grade card today and how to download it? This will be discussed in detail. They can download the grade card by visiting the official website of IGNOU, its complete process is given below.

What is IGNOU Grade Card?

IGNOU Grade Card reflects the performance of students in term end examination and practical field. This includes candidate name, course code, programme, total marks obtained in assignments, theory marks and practical marks etc.

Through this grade card, candidates can get more information about their academic performance. In this, the candidate also gets information about the marks obtained in the course, theory and practical subjects.

Therefore, it is important for the candidate to understand the difference between grade card and result. The result gives information to the candidate only about the marks obtained in the course and final examination, whereas the grade card gives information about all aspects of the candidate’s academic performance.

IGNOU Grade Card: Required Date

IGNOU conducts term-end examinations twice a year and the score card is published in both the sessions. So candidates are advised to download their score card when the university releases the score card. You can see the required dates in the table below:

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Information included in IGNOU Grade Card

Candidates can see the following information on their grade card:

  • Candidate Name
  • Candidate’s Registration No
  • program name
  • Course Code
  • Total marks obtained in the assignment
  • Marks required for recruitment
  • Final Examination (Theory Marks)
  • Final Examination (Practical Marks)
  • Employment status

Note: The candidate should keep the printout of his/her grade card with him/her, so that it can be used in future if required.

How to download IGNOU Grade Card?

Candidates can check the grade card according to their registered course, the process of which is given below but the candidate should carefully check the information included in the grade card and contact IGNOU University if any mistake is found.

Step 1: First of all you have to visit the IGNOU official website (

Step 2: Go to ‘Student Support’ and click on ‘Result’.

Step 3: Now further click on the “Grade Card” option.

Step 4: After clicking on “Grade Card” option, a new window will open in front of you.

Step 5: Enter all the required information asked carefully and then click submit.

Step 6: Now the candidate’s IGNOU Grade Card will be displayed on the screen, which you need to download now.

IGNOU Grade System

IGNOU has its own system for calculating students’ grades, through which it awards grades to students. Complete information about IGNOU Grade System is as follows:

Percentage Grade Point
80% – 100% A 5
60% – 79% B 4
50% – 59% C 3
50% – 49% D 2
40% & below this E 1

Marks of students are calculated as follows:

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(Marks obtained in Theory + Marks obtained in Assignment / Total Marks) x 100

IGNOU Grade Card: Category Wise Weightage

Sections Weightage
Assignment 30%
Term End Examination(Theory) 70%

Let’s understand this with an example:

Suppose a student gets 89 marks in theory paper and 60 marks in assignment. Then the percentage of that subject will be calculated as follows:

Marks obtained in theory paper = 89

According to the division-wise table given above, we need to find 70% of 89, which is 62.

Marks obtained in the assignment = 60

According to the division-wise table given above, we need to find 30% of 60, which is 18.

in this way,

Total marks: 62 + 18 = 80

Percentage: (80/100) x 100 = 80%

What are the passing marks in IGNOU exam?

If a candidate appears in the term end examination, it is mandatory to score a minimum of 35 marks out of 100 in the theory test to pass and the student must score a minimum of 50% in the assignment, only then the student will be considered to have passed.

IGNOU Grade Card: Important Information

  • While downloading your grade card you need to keep some important things in mind:
  • Candidates can get IGNOU Grade Card by downloading online only.
  • The candidate is advised to check all the information in the grade card carefully after downloading it, if any mistake is found in the grade card then contact the university as soon as possible.
  • If a student feels that he has scored low marks then his result should be re-evaluated.
  • Candidate can also apply for duplicate grade card for which he needs to send Rs.250 through DD to IGNOU (Delhi).

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Svspawb Team

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